Linear Functions Introduction

We model many relationships between quantities as a linear function or straight line.

Even if the relationship between two quantities is not a straight line, a straight line is a good model that allows good predictions in a small area. For example, the earth is round but using a flat model is useful for building things.

In a linear model for a given change anywhere in the independent variable (x-axis) there is the same change in the independent variable.
This is equivalent to saying the slope is the same anywhere in the relationship.

Linear relationships are defined by a straight line when graphed and allow easy prediction.

Implications of Linear Relationships

  • What sorts of questions can you answer with a linear function?
  • What is the significance of a change in the slope?
  • Can part of a graph be linear and others not?


  • Association/Correlation
  • Independent variable
  • Dependent variable
  • Slope
  • Proportional Relationship


  • Two variables are correlated when the change in one variable results in a predictable change in the other variable.

Independent Variable

  • The variable we can manipulate
  • The variable we want to see the effect of changing
  • Placed on the x-axis

Dependent Variable

  • The variable we observe when we manipulate the independent variable
  • Placed on the y-axis


This quantity relates a change in the independent variable to the change in the dependent variable.