Metacognition Exercises
1 A Mind For Numbers Chapter 1 Reading
Please answer the following questions about A Mind For Numbers
Chapter 1.
Here is a
link to the reading.
- Which parts of the reading did you find particularly relevant or interesting and why?
- Do you see yourself as being able to become proficient at using mathematics?
2 A Mind For Numbers Chapter 4 Chunking
Read Chapter 4 “Chunking…” from Oakley, A Mind For Numbers and answer the following questions: Here is a link to the reading.
- What material outside of this class do you feel like you have integrated into a “chunk”.
- What material in this class do you feel like you’ve “chunked”.
- What strategies do your past examples provide for integrating (chunking) other material you are learning?
3 Accomplishments
I’d like you to think about what you have accomplished and what you are proud of this semester in GEP 280.
This could be something you learned, something you can do now, a habit you’ve developed, or anything else.
We’ll discuss this briefly during the final exam before we work on exam questions.
4 Learning Gains
What knowledge or skills have you gained this semester in GEP 280?
5 Study Practices
What study habits and practices worked well this semester? Which did not?
6.1 Midterm Preparation
Please answer the following questions as you study for the exam:
- After the review, what learning objectives do you still want to work on?
- How will you practice these?
- How much time are you budgeting to study before the test?
- What specific days and times will you allocate for studying and where will you do it?
6 Midterm Reflection
- Were there learning objectives where you overestimated your learning?
- Did you underestimate on any?
- Were you able to stick to your study schedule and plan?
- Will you do anything differently on the next exam?
7 Survey Questions
Please rate your agreement with the following statement with 1 for strongly disagree and 5 for strongly agree.
- I am confident in my ability to apply mathematics to real-world problems.
- I am confident in my ability to use a calculator for math problems.
- I am confident in my ability to learn more mathematics in the future.
- Relative to the start of the class, do you have more confidence when working on mathematics now?
- Relative to the start of the class, do you have more perseverance when working on mathematics?