1 Counting

One a piece of paper, “count” in base 8 over the following ranges and show the corresponding base 10 numbers to the side. You may find a number line useful for this activity.

  • the base 10 numbers 0 to 24 (“0” to “30” in base 8)
  • the base 10 numbers 56 to 72 (“70” to “110” in base 8)

2 Making Change 10

You need to give someone 43 cents using only dimes and pennies and using the least total number of coins possible.

  • How many pennies?
  • How many dimes?

3 Making Change 5

You are going to give someone 43 cents, this time only using pennies, nickels, and quarters, again using the least number of coins.

  • How many pennies?
  • How many nickels?
  • How many quarters?

4 Making Change 3

Now imagine coins where still have pennies, but other coins are worth 3 times more than the next lowest coin. You want to give someone 43 cents.

  • What are the values of the coins?
  • How many of each coin type do you have?

5 Base 5 to Base 10

The number 1324 is a number in base 5. What is this number when written in base 10?

Challenging: the number 12.34 is a number in base 5, what is it in base 10?

6 Base 10 to Base 5

The number 216 is a number in base 10. What is this number when written in base 5?

7 English Language Representation

Answer the following questions using our english language representation. You do not need to show any work.

  • What is two thousand added to three thousand (in words)?
  • What is two thousand times three (in words)?
  • What is two thousand times three thousand (in words)?

8 Scientific Notation Representation

Answer the following questions using mathematical notation. You may show work here.

  • What is 2 \cdot 10^3 + 3 \cdot 10^3 ?
  • What is 2 \cdot 10^3 \times 3 ?
  • What is 2 \cdot 10^3 \times 3 \cdot 10^3 ?

9 Exponent rules

Show your math for computing the following without a calculator and without writing out all the zeros. (That is, use scientific notation to display the number.)

  • 4 \cdot 10^{35} \times 2 \cdot10^{23}
  • 4 \cdot 10^{35} \div 2 \cdot 10^{23}

10 Scientific Notation

The number 23.12 \cdot 10^3 is written entirely in base 5.

  • What is this number when represented in base 10.
  • Be sure some of your reasoning is visible on the page.

11 Strogatz Readings

Read Sections 1 (From Fish to Infinity) and 6 (Location, Location, Location) of The Joy of X in the link below. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

  • What conveniences does our number system provide?
  • Why is the location of a number important?

Library Link to Book

If the library link doesn’t work here are two dropbox links:

12 Guesstimation and Location

Answer the following questions after reading the following two readings.

Guesstimation Appendix A.

Strogatz, The Joy of X, Chapter 6

  • What advantages does scientific notation have over writing out zeros?
  • What problems does writing too many significant figures create?