Shifting Distributions

In work our work on human-environment interactions, we often want to see if we can make a change in some ensemble measurement or if some factor causes a difference in the ensemble measurements. We may represent that ensemble measurement as a distribution or histogram.

To determine if some intervention or factor has an effect, we compare the ensemble measurement of the population that did not get the intervention to the sample of the population that did.

Statistical Significance

By looking at the differences between these measurements, we can determine the probability that the difference was caused by the intervention or the factor that we are investigating.

We need to recognize that due to random variations differences between otherwise identical populations can occur. We need statistical tests to measure the likelihood that these tests could have occurred at random.

The t-test and p-value are among several techniques we use.

The term statistical significance is used when this difference meets a statistical threshold we agree is meaningful.


To look for fairness, we often split the members of a population into groups according to some categorical variable and look for differences between these two groups. If those differences are statistically significant, it provides evidence of some sort of disparate effect.

Categorical (nominal) variables include

  • participation in a program
  • race
  • high income/low income
  • different climate regions

Shifted Distributions

Statistical techniques can tell us which of the differences in observations (represented as distributions) is more likely to have been from random fluctuations.

Shifted Distributions

Two Types of Thinking

  • Conceiving of treatment and control groups and measurements that allow you to test your idea, program, or hypothesis
  • Choosing and executing statistical methods to establish the likelihood that your program caused the difference between the treatment and control groups

The Square Root of the Number of Samples

The expected deviation of a sample mean (the thing you are testing) from the population mean (what you expect under normal circumstances) decreases as the number of samples in that sample mean grows.



A complete group of measurements or individuals of interest.


A subset of a population used for a measurement or treatment. Sometimes called a sub-population.


Measuring a few individuals from a population to get a sense of the whole.

Often it is prohibitively expensive or time-consuming to measure all of the members of a population. Sampling is a group of techniques that allow us to measure a smaller sample that reflects the overall population.

Central Limit Theorem Inferences

  • with population information (mean, std dev) you can make inferences about properly-drawn samples
  • with information about a properly drawn sample, you can make inferences about the population
  • if you have data on a sample and the population, you can tell if the sample is consistent with likely samples from the population
  • if you have data on two samples, you can see if they were likely drawn from the same population

Central Limit Theorem

  • the means of large random samples of any population (with any distribution) will have a normal distribution around the population mean
  • the standard error (a function of the population standard deviation and the sample size) tells us how close these sample means lie to the population means
  • sample means further from the population mean are less likely
  • the less likely our samples means are, the more we should suspect another causal effect

Distributions of Interest

What ensemble measurements are you interested in that relate to human-enviroment interactions or other topics of interest.


What factors do you think might explain observed differences in distributions?


What treatments or interventions can we perform that have the potential to shift a variable in one of these distributions?