1 Wheelan Regression Reading

Please read the chapter on regression by Charles Wheelan and answer the following questions.
Here is a link to the reading.

Pick two examples of relationships that you’d be interested in exploring. They could be from the CalEnviroScreen data or anywhere else.

  • What is the independent variable?
  • What is the dependent variable?
  • What does each data point represent?
  • If there is a relationship, what are the implications?

2 Relationships

Come up with five relationships that you could explore with a linear model with noise.

For each relationship, clearly state the x-axis (independent variable), the y-axis (dependent variable), and the meaning of the slope, and why the relationship is important.

Also, pick one of these to briefly describe at the start of the next class.

3 CalEnviroScreen Relationships

Look at the CalEnviroscreen measurements and write about two relationships you are curious about. For each, answer the following questions:

  • What is the independent variable?
  • What is the dependent variable?
  • What does each data point represent?
  • What does the slope represent?
  • Why do you think this might be a linear relationship?
  • What do you think are the implications of this relationship? What should we do based on the relationship?