Energy Quantities

You want to express the quantity 2000 BTU in units of joules. Should you use a unit conversion, an energy density, a carbon intensity, or an energy efficiency?

You need to determine the amount of fuel needed to deliver 10 megajoules of energy. Should you use a unit conversion, an energy density, a carbon intensity, or an energy efficiency?

You need to determine the amount of carbon emitted when using electricity. Should you use a unit conversion, an energy density, a carbon intensity, or an energy efficiency?

You need to determine how much fossil fuel is needed to produce 1000 kWh of electricity. Should you use a unit conversion, an energy density, a carbon intensity, or an energy efficiency?

Energy Density

You are using a power plant to convert coal to electricity. The power plant has an efficiency of 35 percent.

How many gigajoules of coal are required to create 1 GJ of electrical energy?

For the power plant in the question above, how many BTU of coal are required to create 1 GJ of electrical energy?

For the power plant in the question above, how many kg of coal are required to create 1 GJ of electrical energy?

Energy Efficiency

A power plant produces 1 MW of power while it is running. If this plant runs continuously for 1 day, how much energy does it produce? Give your answer in gigajoules (GJ). (3 pts)

Scientific Notation

Clearly show your work as you convert the quantity of 20,000 joules to BTU.

How many kilograms of gasoline do you need to burn to release 360 MJ of heat energy?

How many one hundred dollar bills equal one million dollars? Show your work using scientific notation.

Convert one exajoule to gigajoules. Show your work using scientific notation.