1 Solar Obstructions
Choose a place that you’d like to place a solar array. From that place take a photo facing north.
- Include the photo in your response. (Canvas lets you include image.)
- Describe potential obstructions in the photo and what time of year and day they might cause shadows.
2 Solar Panel and Resistor
You have the following IV curve for a solar panel at a given insolation level. If you hook up a 3 ohm resistor, what current and voltage will you see across the resistor?

3 Solar Panel and Resistor Power

You have the following IV curve for a solar panel at a given insolation level.
- If you choose the correct resistor, what is the maximum power you expect in watt?
- For the problem above, what is the resistor size (in ohms) that draws maximum power?
4 Solar Power Daily Energy
Assume you have installed a solar array that supplies 5000 watts of DC power at standard test conditions (STC). The location site is similar to STC has 5 peak sun hour per day There is a 95% efficient inverter to convert this to AC power.
- How many kWh of DC power do you produce?
- How many kWh of AC power do you produce?
- If it is hotter than standard test conditions, will the energy generated be higher or lower?
5 PV Watts Software
Watch the second video in this playlist from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory describing the PVWatts software.
- What inputs does the software take?
- What outputs does the software provide?
6 PV Watts Energy Estimation
Perform a calculation for your current living space in PV Watts.
- State the inputs you used (array size/power, location, etc.)
- How much energy does PV Watts predict?
- How much does the energy fluctuate between summer and winter?
RW1 Sun Path Diagrams
Watch the following videos on solar orientation and sun path diagrams.
RW2 REEPS 5.4–5.6 IV Curves
Please answer the following questions from the REEPS Chapter 5.4–5.6 reading. The book can be found at the library at this link.
- How are the currents and voltages from arrays of batteries and solar panels similar?
- What are standard test conditions?
- Describe the maximum power point in your own words.
Please answer the following questions from the REEPS Chapter 6.3 reading. The book can be found at the library at this link.
- How would you explain “peak-hours” to a potential solar user?
- What is a capacity factor?