Policy Examples

California AB32

Policy target requiring reduction to 1990 levels of emissions by 2020.

California SB 100

Policy target for 100% of electricity to be renewable and zero-carbon by 2045.

Description on CA Energy Website

California SB 350

Policy target of 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and 80% below 1990 levels by 2050.

Description on CA Energy Website

Santa Rosa All Electric Reach Code



Low Carbon Fuel Standard

California program (AB 32-Scoping Plan): Aim is to reduce Green House Gas emissions and other smog-forming pollutants by improving transportation options. Those that reduce carbon emissions are eligible to recieve credits.

California Internal Combustion Phase Out


Solar Ready Roof


California Solar Incentives

Solar Reviews Blog Post

State-Level Database

DSIRE NC Clean Energy Technology Center

California Cap and Trade


Community Solar



BayREN offers energy programs to the public making buildings more energy efficient and reduce carbon emissions. Provide rebates to homeowners

Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act

California SB 253 to require all businesses with a revenue of 1 billion dollars or more to publicaly disclose Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions over a number of years.


California Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing Program. Program gives money based incentives and credits for installing solar panels for residents who couldnt normally afford to install them themselves. Tenants save money on their electrcity bills, less carbon emissions are relased into the atmosphere, property owners upgrade their energy systems, and local contracters are provided with more work.

CEC Clean Transportation Program

The California Energy Commission’s Clean Transportation Program (also known as the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program) provides funding to support innovation and accelerate the development and deployment of advanced transportation and fuel technologies.

California Energy Website

Petaluma All Electric Reach Code

TBD: link to policy