Counterfactual Concepts

  • counterfactual
    • what would have happened in the absence of a program
  • counterfactual estimation
    • techniques to estimate a counterfactual that cannot be measured directly

Group Counterfactual

Statistical techniques can be used to compare a treatment group and a comparison group. The comparison group is also called a control group.

If these groups are chosen well, the individual differences will be averaged out. If the following requirements are met, we call this a valid comparison group.

  • characteristics identical besides the program
  • program should not directly or indirectly affect comparison group
  • the outcomes in the comparison group should be the same as the treatment group

Counterfeit estimates of counterfactual

  • before and after
    • other effects are not controlled for
  • enrolled and nonenrolled groups
    • groups self-selecting could make outcome more likely

Other Topics

  • causal inference
  • impact
    • the difference between the treatment outcome and the counterfactual outcome