Program Evaluation

We apply systematic methods to determine if a program is meeting its goals.

Say we have an energy-efficiency subsidy program that we want to lower consumer energy expenditures and lower the carbon emissions for a community. Program evaluation would be the system that assesses whether or not these goals were met.

The Cycle of Action

This cycle is described by Donald Norman and Johnathan Koomey. It describes an iterative cycle of goal setting and adjusting based on the results.

  • Goals
  • Execution
  • Events
  • Evaluation

Question Posing

We want to use our knowledge of electrical energy, thermal energy, and financial principles to assess the goals of a program.

This may require us to think creatively about how to measure the effects of a program. We may also need to perform indirect measurements or inferences.


A useful framework for seting policy goals is the SMART framework:

  • Specific
  • Measureable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

Having goals that fill these criteria make them easier to evaluate and assess.
